Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Browser based Operating Systems

Every day technology gets updated, from computer to laptop to PDA’s and now smartphone! Even our very own operating system are getting new features and platform to fulfill their custom needs.
For past few years I have been living on internet, doing a lot of stuff from the internet browser only. Sometimes, when internet goes down, I feel like my computer is almost useless and ofcourse it goes to sleep mode to get some rest!

After doing almost everything inside the internet browser, you will feel like why not have full operating system running inside it. And the answer is yes.
Yes, toady we have a number of virtual cloud OS that can be accessed from browser only. So, to use this operating system, one only need an internet browser irrespective of the devices. That means you can run this OS even on smartphone which has a native browser and keep all you file and documents in sync.

Here are few cloud operating systems that uses the power of cloud computing:

1. JoliCloudOS
JoliCloudOS aims to make Cloud computing more simple and more open. It connect users to all of their online applications, social media, videos, photos and files from any device in the world. It is also available on Android, iOS, Chrome Web Store and can also be installed on newbooks separately. This OS is best in this class and what else I can say! Just go ahead and try it yourself for free at www.jolicloud.com
Browser based Operating Systems

2. AmoebaOS
This online OS is advanced one, has good graphic designs and better GUI as compared to SilveOS. The user interface is similar to Mac OS. On desktop, icons are arranged in dock that gives it beautiful look. OS takes time to load into the browser. amoebaos.orgBrowser based Operating Systems

3. EyeOS
eyeOS is an open source OS and has a lot of connectivity features, uses XML to store information. As its tagline say  ”Your Desktop in Cloud”, truly it make use of cloud computing. This OS also had mobile version for file sharing and believe me its a cool service. It has its own mail client and chat agent for communication. You can also share your file through url address. You can tryout this OS from here: try.eyeos.orgBrowser based Operating Systems

4. GlideOS
Glide is commercial one but you can get 30GB of free data storage. This OS has mobile versions too glidemobile.com. Glide Write the word processing app and the Glide coloring & drawing are unique features of this OS. Glide Write handles Microsoft Word Documents with aplomb. It’s very similar to Word; it looks and performs in a remarkably similar manner whereas both children and adults can take advantage of Glide’s new drawing and coloring tool. You can keep all materials in sync. Tryout this from here: glidedigital.comBrowser based Operating Systems

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